Wednesday 1 February 2012

back to the grindstone

So, I'm back at work this week. I'm hoping this translates to more blogging, as I will have good reason to wear more interesting clothes than puppy-wrangling and house-cleaning clothes.

The weather has been really up and down, and today was only in the low twenties. And today was really overcast too! It's like there's no evidence of summer weather on this blog!

 Cardigan: Jacquie E
Jeans: Just Jeans
Camisole: Cotton On
Shoes: via Modcloth
Necklace: BeadinBabe on etsy
This is Obie. He is our new Beaglier pup (Beagle X King Charles Cavalier). He is about 10 weeks old right now, finds buttons and shoelaces delicious, and is never happier than when sleeping on a person. 

New hairstyle I've been trialling -  a braided crown. A friend sent me a link to a tutorial , but I sort of worked it out from the photograph. Tutorial here:

Hope to be here much more - January was dismal!

1 comment:

  1. Loving the shoes & the hair - Obie is pretty darned cute too!!
